On Apr 12, 4:26*pm, wrote:
> For instance, is there a particular Chinese brand that is good or bad?
> And which is best approach to fermentation? My goals are improved
> health, since this tea has been shown to lower cholesterol, and
> flavor.
here are few sellers selling pu-erh
HouDeAsianArt -
http://www.houdeasianart.com/ - the seller (Guang)
lives in Texas. His prices are higher, but his teas are top quality,
too. He is very very honest
Yunnan Sourcing -
http://stores.ebay.com/Yunnan-Sourcing-LLC - Scott
is an american living in Kunming, China and selling pu-erh and other
teas. Very trustatble, too. His prices are lower than Guangs but the
shipping costs are higher, since he is sending the teas from China.
Dragon Tea House -
http://stores.ebay.com/Dragon-Tea-House - this
vendor, Gordon, lives in China.
Jing Teashop -
http://www.jingteashop.com/ - another trustable vendor
Also, you can chceck many blogs that review pu-erh like
http://tuochatea.blogspot.com - This blog is mine :-)
http://half-dipper.blogspot.com - English gentleman Hobbes writes
about tea
and certainly there is a pu-erh tea community