help, need Austrian appetizerrecipe
Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
> Liptauer cheese - Hungarian origin, I guess
Oh, yeah?! It is just as Hungarian as your unspeakably flat, triangular
uzski are Slovak, you heathen! Liptauer, AKA Liptovsky syr, originated
in the Liptov region of Slovakia - and I told you that back in 2003!
Anyway, with a name like Barbabietola, you ought to have switched to
casunziei (ravioloni di barbabietole rosse) a long time ago. Here is
your recipe, from <>.
Ingredients: serves 6 for filling:
3 beets
2 potatoes
1 turnip
for dough
300 grams flour
3 eggs
50 grams butter
Poppy seeds
"Zigar" or Parmesan-type cheese
Preparation: Steam beets, potatoes and turnip in separate pots. Grate
beets and turnip, eliminating excess liquid. Mash potatoes and mix with
grated beets and turnip, season with a little salt. If mixture seems too
liquid add some breadcrumbs. Make dough of flour, eggs, salt and tepid
water; mix and roll out thin. With appropriate tooth-edged cutter, cut
out squares. On each square place a small amount of filling, fold into
triangle and press edges closed with fingers. Cook casunziei in boiling
water for about 10 minutes. Drain when they begin to float and top with
melted butter, grated "zigar" (a Parmesan type cheese) or similar
cheese, and poppy seeds.