On Apr 16, 1:35 am, "J.Venning" > wrote:
> "pg" > wrote in message
> ...>> I am a Catholic. Of course I have a Christian name when I was
> > baptised. But I still do not use that name outside of the Church
> > environment. Not because I am ashame or something, there's absolutely
> > nothing to be ashame of being a Catholic, it's that I just can't see
> > myself as a banana.
> We each have reasons for keeping our given names or taking on another,
> but whatever the reason, I don't think we should chastise others for not
> doing precisely what we do. I notice there is one poster from Singapore
> whose name is Wan Long Fak. Now, let me ask you, what sort of a name is that
> ?
> J.
Wan = King ?
Long = Dragon ?
Fak = Hair ?