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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Fresh ground Nutmeg/Cinnamon vs. the pre-ground spice jar type

On Apr 16, 7:30�pm, wrote:
> Can anyone attest to whether freshly ground whole nutmeg and cinnamon
> have better flavor in recipes vs. the pre-ground spice jar type?
> I know that the preground stuff can last for years. Does anyone know
> the shelf life of whole nutmegs and cinnamon sticks?
> Thanks

All whole spices are a thousand times better than pregroud, perhaps a
million times better... mostly because you have no idea what/who is
in preground.... plenty rodent turds and roaches are ground along with
the spices in preground, gauranteed.

And all whole spices maintain their potency for many, many years...
but once ground they lose their potency very quickly.

All preground stupidmarket spices are pretty much worthless, not only
don't you know waht/who is in it,, it's not dated, could have been
ground years ago... and isn't stored very well either so it hasn't a
chance... you're better off wiping your arse with those dollars.