Jumbo Shrimp - so called
Alexm wrote:
> The tiny "salad shrimp". as they a called, remind me of little
> worms. I good salad should have LARGE shrimp.
I lady I met last week told me a funny story about shrimp. She had lived in
Zambia for a while and one of the domestic workers pointed out a cluster of
caterpillars in a tree. and told her that they are waiting for them to get
bigger and then they will gather than and eat them, claiming they are
delicious. When harvest day came along he scooted up the tree with a pail
and gathered up all the creepy crawlies and took them to his wife to prepare
them. Then he came back with a plateful for her. She made up an excuse
about realizing how much he treasured this delicacy and they were hardly
enough for his own family.
The next week, the guy was helping out in the kitchen as they were preparing
for a cocktail party. She showed him how she wanted the cocktail shrimp
arranged on the canapés. The guy was absolutely grossed out that they would
eat something as disgusting looking as a shrimp.