> blackhead > wrote:
>> Using a steamer will be more flexible, but at the very least I want it
>> to:
>> 1. Have a knob that controls the amount of power used to heat the
>> water since there is a minimum amount required that will boil the
>> water and there is no need to go over this.
>> 2. Must be able to take a small amount of water, say 1/16 cup full.
>> other hand, a steamer for a gas/electric hob satisfies 1. and 2. above
>> but will an electric steamer? Looking through the Argos catalogue the
>> electric steamers don't seem to satisfy any of the requirements 1, 2
>> above and so a hob steamer is my only option.
> I would assume that an electric steamer will have a thermostat, thus
> only using enough energy to bring the water to a boil and then cycling
> to maintain it. In other words, no need for a manual control.
> As for requirement 2, I have no idea.
> Bill Ranck
> Blacksburg, Va.
LOL! One tablespoon of water?!? That's gonna be a mighty tiny steamer. I
don't imagine you'll be able to steam anything substantial in it. Maybe
wilt paper!