On Mar 30, 9:44*pm, Wayne Harris > wrote:
> As many of you regulars know, I am very new to winemaking. *And as
> such, I read, I listen to you all, and I try new things all the time.
> Hell, at this point, I really think I kill more wine than I make.
> But one thing I take very seriously is that I take copious winemaking
> notes. I have been writing all my technical notes in a written
> journal. *All my measurements, all my readings, my results etc..
> I have even taken the time to create a computer spreadsheet that
> "formalizes" the data from my many batches (yes, I am an IT guy by
> trade)
> But really, nothing was working for me that I really liked. *The hand
> written log, the excel spreadsheet was really lacking. *I mean, it
> took the notes, but the overwhelming thought I had was that I didn't
> know what I didn't know. So I looked online for some software.
> I downloaded the trial for Amphora's wine log. *I really liked it.
> And after a couple of weeks with the trial version I liked it enough
> to pony up the 39 bucks to get the real version.
> I will say this. *I am very very very happy with it. *I have since
> transcribed all my previous notes into this database and plan to use
> this going forward. It's built for the serious home winemaker, or the
> not so serious winery. * * *(my words)
> http://www.fermsoft.com/amphora
> And for the record, no, I am not affiliated with the company in any
> way.
> I'm just an enthusiastic new home winemaker that wanted to share my
> thoughts and experiences.
> Like my wife says, 'this keeps me off the streets.'
I'll tell you the one I like:
Of course, I am biased because I wrote it