On Fri, 2 Jan 2004 07:17:56 -0600, "Russ Thompson" > wrote:
>> Remember: this isn't the point. People want meat, and
>> there's nothing wrong with expending resources to
>> produce it. But if the goal is the most calories from
>> the smallest possible input of resources, meat is
>> absolutely unnecessary.
>*** If that was really our goal (and it certainly is not at this time) then
>farm animals would be absolutly necessary. Cattle and sheep have the
>abiliety to turn rough pasture that is unsuitable for farming into valuable
>meat, milk, and fiber. They are also capable of converting what would
>otherwise be a waste product into milk meat and fiber. Things like cotton
>seed, soy huls, wheat mids, to name but a few are by products of the process
>of turning crops into a form usable to humans. All of these thing can be
>eated by livestock and converted from a waste product to something valuable.
> There is also the issue of animals being necessary for sustainable
>Kala Thompson
>Richland Center, WI USA
There is also the fact that animal by-products are used in production
of many of the things used in production of all types of food, like:
__________________________________________________ _______
Tires, Soaps, Photographic film, Paints, Paper, Fabric printing/dying,
Upholstery, Floor waxes, Glass, Glue, Water Filters, Rubber, Fertilizer,
__________________________________________________ _______
Ceramics, Insecticides, Insulation, Linoleum, Plastic,
Asphalt, lubricants, high-performance greases, brake fluid
__________________________________________________ _______
cleaning and polishing compounds,
glues for paper and cardboard cartons, inks, PVC
__________________________________________________ _______
Explosives, Solvents, Industrial Oils, Industrial Lubricants,
Stearic Acid, Biodegradable Detergents, Herbicides, Adhesive Tape,
Laminated Wood Products, Plywood and Paneling, Wallpaper and
Wallpaper Paste, Cellophane Wrap and Tape, Adhesive Tape,
Abrasives, Bone Charcoal for High Grade Steel, Steel Ball Bearings
how many of those things could we do without? How many of them
could be made without animal by-products? What would it do to the
price of food if there were no farm animals?