What happened to Campbell's Condensed Tomato Soup??? Uncondensed Condensed?
On Sun 27 Apr 2008 12:00:33p, kilikini told us...
> Mike in Arkansas wrote:
>> Anyone purchase any lately? Just bought a box of 12 from a wholesale
>> club. Opened one and the contents literally poured out of the can.
>> After thinning per instructions it was weak and insipid. The other
>> cans in the box were the same. Out of curiosity, I purchased a can
>> from a store just to see if I had a bad batch. Same thing. Formally,
>> I always had to use a spatula to get the soup out of the can it was so
>> thick. As I shop in other stores I will pick up a can and shake it.
>> I can always hear it sloshing around. Anyone else notice or have the
>> same issue? Maybe our area just got a bad batch.
> Some aren't condensed anymore. Check the label.
> kili
No, kili, he is talking about the condensed soup. They've ruined, IMO. I
buy store brands now.
Wayne Boatwright
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