hahabogus wrote:
> "Pete C." > wrote in news
> @newssvr27.news.prodigy.net:
> >
> > Sky wrote:
> >>
> >> I've googled RFC and RFR and the 'net' for strawberry ice cream
> >> recipes. But I thought I'd ask here, just in case
So, who has a
> >> good recipe for fresh strawberry ice cream they can share? I want to
> >> make some today, so the more options/recipes I have, the better I like
> >> it <G>. TIA.
> >
> > This may or may not work in your kitchen...
> >
> > Chop / slice fresh strawberries and mix with sugar to taste. Put in
> > fridge to macerate for an hour or two. Mix with heavy cream in desired
> > proportion in a large bowl. Stirring constantly add a couple liters of
> > liquid nitrogen and continue stirring until the fog dissipates. Serve
> > immediately, it doesn't store very well.
> >
> Nitrogen, Nitrogen...You can find that next to the goose grease in the
> import aisle?
Dang, I knew I forgot something whilst at the store today! And I walked
right by it too! <G>
Sky, who's forgetful without a list and tends to forget the list
Ultra Ultimate Kitchen Rule - Use the Timer!
Ultimate Kitchen Rule -- Cook's Choice