In article
Mike in Arkansas > wrote:
> Anyone purchase any lately? Just bought a box of 12 from a wholesale
> club. Opened one and the contents literally poured out of the can.
> After thinning per instructions it was weak and insipid. The other
> cans in the box were the same. Out of curiosity, I purchased a can
> from a store just to see if I had a bad batch. Same thing. Formally,
> I always had to use a spatula to get the soup out of the can it was so
> thick. As I shop in other stores I will pick up a can and shake it.
> I can always hear it sloshing around. Anyone else notice or have the
> same issue? Maybe our area just got a bad batch.
Have you contacted Campbell's? Returned the rest? I don't suppose you
have the single can from the store? Give Campbell's the packing
information on the top of the lids and see what they have to say for
themselves. At the very least, I'd return the rest or donate it to your
local food shelf if it's not suitable for your purposes.
If you don't hear from Campbell's, contact your local investigative
reporter (I'm kidding) --- or newspaper food section editor.
They made have forgotten to put the food starch in it. Maybe.
-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
4/23/2008 The rains fall on the just and the unjust alike; sometimes
our umbrellas are not wide enough to keep us dry.