Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> > I've googled RFC and RFR and the 'net' for strawberry ice cream
> > recipes. But I thought I'd ask here, just in case
So, who has a
> > good recipe for fresh strawberry ice cream they can share? I want to
> > make some today, so the more options/recipes I have, the better I like
> > it <G>. TIA.
> >
> > Sky
> Smartest thing to do is macerate the strawberries in some sugar for at
> least 8-12 hours. Otherwise they'll be strawberry rocks in your ice
> cream. Does your ice cream maker say anything about that? Mine did.
> CI involves some vodka in the ice cream, too, if I'm not mistaken.
It's also a good idea to chop them up. If they get enough sugar into them
they are not likely to freeze solid like whole berries or large chunks.