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Wayne Boatwright[_4_] Wayne Boatwright[_4_] is offline
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Default Dinner, Friday 5/2

On Fri 02 May 2008 09:54:25p, Christine Dabney told us...

> On Sat, 03 May 2008 04:47:26 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> > wrote:
>>On Fri 02 May 2008 09:28:59p, PeterLucas told us...
>>>> David will eat the vegetables but not the corned beef. His
>>>> pholosphy...if the meat is pink it must still be raw, in spite of the
>>>> fact that it simmered for ~3 hours! How crazy is that?
>>> Up there with "I don't eat green vegetables", "I only eat white food",
>>> "I don't eat any meat with bones in it"....... bloody stupid!!

>>LOL! He's three for four. The only green vegetable he will eat is
>>canned green peas. He won't eat any meat with bones on or in it.
>>Bloody stupid, indeed!!

> I am going to have to deal with this at the end of May. I have an
> Australian friend coming to visit me in NM..and she eats almost no
> vegetables. She does eat potatoes, and she likes avocados. But if I
> am to get her to eat any vegetables, she says they need to be covered
> in cheese.
> She will eat a salad, I think...but no bitter greens...
> I was going to post this as a different thread, as I have been trying
> to wrack my brain figuring out what to feed her.
> So, what do you serve David? I need ideas!!
> Christine

Okay, here goes, but it's not a particularly inspiring list...

Canned Green Peas or Peas and Carrots, buttered or in a white sauce
Fresh Carrots, sliced and cooked soft
Potatoes in almost any form, mashed, cubed and parslied, creamed, fried, au
gratin, scalloped
White rice with brown gravy
Canned Corn or Corn on the Cob
Almost any for of beef, as long as there is no bone or visible fat
Boneless, skinless chicken breast, flattened and grilled
Roast turkey, prime white meat slices only
Boneless center cut pork chops
Hot dogs, boiled
Burger, burgers, burgers, fried or grilled
No salads of any type, vegetable or fruit
No bits or pieces of tomato, onion, or garlic in anything
Canned peaches and pears
Desserts? Chocolate only, and no nuts

Very sad, isn't it?

Wayne Boatwright
Friday, 05(V)/02(II)/08(MMVIII)
Countdown till Memorial Day
3wks 2dys 2hrs
Neurotic: Self-taut person.