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Wayne Boatwright[_4_] Wayne Boatwright[_4_] is offline
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Default Dinner, Friday 5/2

On Fri 02 May 2008 10:46:07p, Leonard Blaisdell told us...

> In article 4>,
> Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
>> The corned beef is done, and the nut that I am, I cook each vegetable
>> individually so that they're all at exactly the texture I prefer. It
>> smells heavenly, and I can't wait to dig in as soon as the last of it is
>> done.

> I cook potatoes, carrots, barley, etc., separately for soups and stews.
> Then I bag them together and refrigerate them. I get the flavor and
> thickness just right for what the dish is supposed to be according to my
> taste. Then I add what's in the bag until everything is hot. I don't use
> this method for a pot roast. Come to think of it, I don't use this
> method for anything but beef soups and stews.
> Except if I'm adding carrots. I despise the taste that carrots give to
> anything unless they are precooked and warmed into the dish. YMMV.
> leo

We share some of the same ideas, although I don't mind carrots cooked with
other things. With pot roast I throw everything in at the same time.

Wayne Boatwright
Friday, 05(V)/02(II)/08(MMVIII)
Countdown till Memorial Day
3wks 2dys 1hrs 10mins
If the enemy is in range, so are you.