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PeterLucas[_5_] PeterLucas[_5_] is offline
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Posts: 1,025
Default Dinner, Friday 5/2

"Cindi - HappyMamatoThree" > wrote in


>>> Up there with "I don't eat green vegetables", "I only eat white
>>> food", "I don't eat any meat with bones in it"....... bloody
>>> stupid!!

> My brother and sister in law are the same way when it comes to eating
> meats with bones or the hint of them. I don't get that though. There
> are no boneless chickens or boneless cows. I figure they have blocked
> that reality.

Welcome to the Boneless Chicken Ranch.

Their (your brother and SIL) attitudes are the same as most vegos/vegans

It suits their socialogical outlook.

My CA wife was a 'strict' vego/vegan, and yet she wore a leather coat and
boots when she was riding our motorbike.

Most of these 'different' people attach themelves to a 'belief' because it
gives them credence in a world that they feel they have no control over.

Pretty sad when you have to do some shit like that, and take a stance like
that, just because you want to be noticed in the crowd.

Peter Lucas

You will travel through the valley of rejection;
you will reside in the land of morning mists...and you will find your home,
though it will not be where you left it.