Dinner, Friday 5/2
On Sat 03 May 2008 05:37:23a, PeterLucas told us...
> Wayne Boatwright > wrote in
> 3.184:
>> Very sad, isn't it?
> Totally f****** sad.
> Unless the 'person' is allegic to just about everything (in which case
> she shouldn't be foisting herself on any 'friends'), if she has "special
> needs" she should take care of them.
He has absolutely no allergies to any foods or medications.
> When the SO and I got together, we became a "Brady Bunch".
> Her kids wouldn't eat different foods, and neither of them were the
> same.
> When the SO was married (previously) and at home, she cooked 4 different
> meals. One for the arsewipe, one each for the kids, and one for her.
> Within 3 weeks of moving in with me, all kids and all adults were eating
> the same food........ and no-one died!! Go Figger!!!
I wish that would have worked here, but he would simply not eat what I
preferred to cook and would just go out for a McDonald's.
I cook 2 different meals on most nights, in self defense, because I won't
stoop to his pitiful level of taste. :-)
Wayne Boatwright
Saturday, 05(V)/03(III)/08(MMVIII)
Countdown till Memorial Day
3wks 1dys 17hrs 10mins
'Friends help you move. Real friends
help you move bodies.'