Thread: Kentucky Derby
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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default Kentucky Derby

> wrote:

>On Sun, 4 May 2008 00:30:13 +0000 (UTC), (Steve
>Pope) wrote:

>>And if she had been a stallion they would not have euthanised
>>her. Pretty cold-hearted if you ask me.

>I don't think you'd agree with yourself, if you saw the wrenching
>photo on Her ankles bent backwards and since horses iirc
>need their legs to support the tremendous weight above, I believe it
>was humane.
>I just don't know what could have occurred to have both ankles crumble
>unless she just wasn't sound. Hard to believe.

I recall ahead of the race there were concerns some of the horses
had never run on anything but artificial turf before. Was this
the case with the downed horse, I wonder?

However you stack it up its inhumane -- if not the euthanasia
itself, then the entire chain of events.
