Thread: Kentucky Derby
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Wayne Boatwright[_4_] Wayne Boatwright[_4_] is offline
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Default Kentucky Derby

On Sat 03 May 2008 11:03:45p, Christine Dabney told us...

> On Sun, 04 May 2008 05:54:29 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> > wrote:
>>Well, you do know that there is no one single "authentic" recipe for it.
>>It varies from restaurant to restaurant, from individual to individual.

>>friend of mine who lived in Lousiville most of his life gave me that
>>modification for the pie. It certainly is rich, but it taste very

> I thought it was claimed by a restaurant..they have the "patent" on
> it... I could be wrong here, but that is what I have always heard.
> Wikipedia says they have the name registered.

Actually, it's Kern's Kitchen, and they do hold a patent on it, and
distribute it to many of the local restaurants. But I think the "secret"
was really cracked years ago.

> Personally, I'd rather just stick with the Mint Julep!
>>I would love to know about that spread/dip! Please don't forget.

> Remind me. The rest of the month will be a zoo for me, as I am
> heading up to Denver for about 10 days, almost as soon as I get back
> to NM. After that, I am bringing my Australian friend back with
> me...and will be trying to give her a whirlwind glimpse of the
> Southwest.

I'll try to remember to remind you. :-) I'm not envying you cooking for
your Australian friend. Personally, I'd eat out a LOT! :-)

> Hmm...maybe I could find the recipe and make some of that spread for
> her. That and pimiento cheese.... She might not eat either one
> though....LOL.

Speaking of which, did you ever send/post the pimiento cheese recipe you
use? I have a good one, but I think it's quite different than yours.

> Christine

Wayne Boatwright
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