One more...
"Brian Connors" > wrote:
> Spark-gap Spaghetti Sauce
> This Louisiana-tinged meat sauce was inspired by Paul Newman's
> pepper-heavy Sockarooni sauce, but has a Creole accent all its own. It
> uses beef, but if you want even more of a Creole flavor, leave the beef
> and butter out and use ground pork instead. The name was inspired by the
> fact that I had just gotten my Ham Radio license when I made this.
> 2 28-oz cans ground tomatoes
> 1 lb/450g ground beef
> 1/2 medium green bell pepper, chopped
> 1 small yellow onion, chopped
> 1 rib celery, chopped
> 1 large carrot, chopped
> 2 cloves garlic, minced or crushed
> 1 c/240 mL white wine (optional)
> olive oil and butter
> oregano to taste
> ground red chile, paprika, or cayenne to taste
> bay leaf
> salt
> In an electric frying pan or large saute pan on medium heat (about
> 350F), melt 1 tbsp of butter. Add a tbsp or so of olive oil; add
> vegetables with a bit of salt and saute until cooked through. Add meat
> and cook until browned, then add tomatoes and herbs (and wine if you're
> using it). Simmer for at least 1/2 hour (up to 2-3 hours if you wish)
> then serve with spaghetti
Drop the carrots and celery, use less tomato and this is very close to a
Cuban dish called picadillo I ate weekly growing up. Picadillo is eaten over