Was one of these yesterday and the other today? I am trying to figure out
how you could have 4-5 hours between FBG's

The extra bg with half a
bagel might be from the bagel itself not the onions. 1/4 may be your limit
for remaining fairly static.
"Nick Cramer" > wrote in message
> "Julie Bove" > wrote:
>> "Nick Cramer" > wrote in message
>> > "Julie Bove" > wrote:
>> >> "Nick Cramer" > wrote in message
>> >
>> >> > FBG 80. Had 1/4 of a low carb bagel with cream cheese. Net carbs 5
>> >> > gms. One hour PP BG 84. Next time, 1/2 bagel!
>> >>
>> >> Dang. Here I thought you were going to tell us a horror story about
>> >> eating a big honking bagel! [ . . . ]I got a loaf of sourdough.
>> >> It's what I was eating before I found the flax.
>> >
>> > I stretched that 1/4 bagel to four bites. Boo hoo! Someone on
>> > rec.food.sourdough mentioned that sourdough is lower carb than regular
>> > bread. Also, that whole grain dough makes the lowest net carb bread.
>> > Since I'm thinking of getting back into making sourdough bread, I found
>> > that interesting. More research needed.
>> When Angela was a toddler, I used to buy her the mini bagels. I would
>> eat one of those on a rare occasion. Never was much of a bagel lover
>> though.
> The best bagels were in NYC. Don't remember where. I had 1/2 bagel with
> cream cheese and a slice of red onion about an hour ago (no tomato or lox
> on hand). FBG was 78, one hour PP BG was 117. I guess red onions are
> sweet.
> ;-/
> --
> Nick. Support severely wounded and disabled Veterans and their families!
> I've known US vets who served as far back as the Spanish American War.
> They
> are all my heroes! Thank a Veteran and Support Our Troops. You are not
> forgotten. Thanks ! ! ~Semper Fi~