"Nick Cramer" > wrote in message
> Nicky > wrote:
>> On 08 May 2008 09:32:58 GMT, Nick Cramer >
>> >"Ozgirl" > wrote:
>> >> Was one of these yesterday and the other today? I am trying to figure
>> >> out how you could have 4-5 hours between FBG's
The extra bg with
>> >> half a bagel might be from the bagel itself not the onions. 1/4 may be
>> >> your limit for remaining fairly static.
>> >
>> >Both today (now yesterday). First at 5:40 PM. Second at 10:20 PM. Oh,
>> >how I wanted tomato & lox on them!
>> Uh, Nick - you only get one fasting blood glucose per day, you need
>> 12-13 hours between them : )
>> And what is a knish?!
> You can be sooo bossy! I guess I should've called the second one 'before
> dinner' or 'before bedtime snack'. But I'm still not in bed!
lol. Yeah as Nicky said. FBG is the first of the day and taken when you
first step out of bed.