Speaking of grocery prices ...
On Thu, 8 May 2008 14:10:26 -0400, "Nancy Young" >
>"Default User" > wrote
>> Nancy Young wrote:
>>> I see that the supermarket chains around here are offering a 10% bonus
>>> if you spend part of your stimulus check there. Give them $300, get
>>> a $330 gift card. $1200, get $1320.
>>> Is anyone planning to reduce their grocery bill that way? I know many
>>> other types of stores are offering the same deal.
>> So far only one St. Louis chain has advertised the deal, and it's the
>> one I don't use much. We'll see if the other two step up now that Shop
>> n Save has advertised it. If one of them does, then sure. It's a 10%
>> return on your money, which is good.
>I would not take up the offer at a store where I don't already shop,
>agreed. The two stores where I do most of my shopping do offer
>the option, which is why I'm considering it.
well, money is fungible. use the check for a big shopping trip and
bank the sum spent anyway (if that was your intention).
your pal,