"TammyM" wrote
> I live in a very multi-cultural .... ok, bi-cultural (LOL!) neighborhood.
> Pity the fool (I said PITY the fool!) who messes with me. My neighbor
> once confronted 3 strapping young men who were climbing my fence (to get
> into the backyard) at midnight. I was in New Zealand at the time, but my
> then 85-ish year old grandmother was sleeping soundly in the house. The
> young men claimed to know me. Neighbor told 'em to get moving or else.
> They got moving. That's not the only time he and my other
> Mexican/Mexican-American neighbors have come to my aid/defense.
I too live in a very mixed neighborhood. Good people all around me. The
worst of the lot were unfortunately my own renters!
> Living in a place where people look out for each other and don't tolerate
> drug/gang BS is a fine thing. I recommend it. Not preaching. Just
> sayin'.
My neighborhood is probably 50% military or retired military. They do not
put up with stuff like that. Meantime, I'm still cleaning out the #%!#%
from the renters. I have a small pot garden going for example we just
identified. Don pulled it all out this morning. They must have dropped
seeds back there which germinated this spring. The local
VB Police fellow
who lives across the street confirmed what it was and took it in baggies
away for us (so we won't get in trouble just tossing it in the trash or
burning it). He said he thinks round-up will kill it if it comes back. If
not, I'm gonna dump vinegar all over that area. The grass can come back