Nicky > wrote:
: On 08 May 2008 09:32:58 GMT, Nick Cramer >
: wrote:
: >"Ozgirl" > wrote:
: >> Was one of these yesterday and the other today? I am trying to figure out
: >> how you could have 4-5 hours between FBG's

The extra bg with half a
: >> bagel might be from the bagel itself not the onions. 1/4 may be your
: >> limit for remaining fairly static.
: >
: >Both today (now yesterday). First at 5:40 PM. Second at 10:20 PM. Oh, how I
: >wanted tomato & lox on them!
: Uh, Nick - you only get one fasting blood glucose per day, you need
: 12-13 hours between them : )
: And what is a knish?!
: Nicky.
: T2 dx 05/04 + underactive thyroid
: D&E, 100ug thyroxine
: Last A1c 5.6% BMI 25
Well, I have never made them, but it i a rolled doughy thing, usually
fried adn stuffed with either mahed oatoes, kasha or, if very fancy,
liver. they are kind of leaden and feel like that in your stomach. As
you can tell, they wee never a favorite of mine except for the liver ones
served in a small size at weddings etc. I would say they are a hevy
cousin to a pirogy, if that helps.