Gas grills, which one to get?
On Thu 08 May 2008 07:00:04p, Edwin Pawlowski told us...
> "Kent" > wrote in message
>> If I were looking to buy a gas grill right now I'd look very strongly
>> for one that has one infrared burner under the grates for searing even
>> though Consumer Reports in this month's issue didn't agree. They say
>> the infrared grill isn't any hotter than regular propane. They left
>> out infrared burner designations for individual grills.
> They are right, but they are wrong. Infrared may not be any hotter, but
> there is more to cooking than just temperature. The way the heat is
> transferred also makes a difference in how it performs certain
> functions.
> I don't trust CR for things of that importance.
I don't treat CR's reports as gospel, but it's often a good jumping off
point fof further research.
Wayne Boatwright
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