On Sun, 11 May 2008 11:49:16 -0400, Goomba38 >
>Last night I made chorizo per the recipe in Rick Bayless' "Mexico, One
>Plate at a Time" cookbook. It calls for you to grind the bay leaves with
> mortar and pestle, which I don't own. I tried to do it in the food
>processor, even adding the salt from the recipe to act as an abrasive
>but it barely worked.
>Any other suggestions to get the job done?
Do you have a whirly blade coffee grinder? that would probably be
best. Did the recipe specify fresh or dried? I think that might make a
difference also.
I've gotten in the bad habit of buying mortars and pestles. I have
probably 5 in graduating sizes. Believe it or not I use most of them.
I don't have one as big as Christine's granddaddy of them all though.
updated 5/11
"There is no love more sincere than the love of food"
George Bernard Shaw