Speaking of grocery prices ...
Goomba38 wrote:
> cshenk wrote:
> > "enigma" wrote
> >> furnace & a good sump in the "basement" and rent it out(maybe
> >> make it Section 8), or maybe i'll have the local volunteer FD
> > Grin, be careful to check the rules on section 8 housing if you were
> > serious. *There are some aspects of it dealing with a tenant with
> > disabilities (and you have no option to not rent to them) that can cost you
> > a bundle to adapt a place. *Might not be a problem with a single unit
> > dwelling, but check to be sure first.
> And your neighbors might not be too pleased with you either, which of
> course is a whole 'nuther bag of worms but has to be said.
Lemme tell ya, Section 8 tenants are BAD NEWS...you DO NOT want to
"rent" to someone who is too poor and lazy too even afford to pay rent
at local market rates...
Here in Chicawgo the Housing Authority has torn down a lot of the
ghetto high - rises (the most infamous being Cabrini - Green) and
replaced them with "mixed income" housing. These are nice units,
primarily of the town house variety. Some are sold at market rates,
others are rented out to the former ghetto tenants via Section 8.
Those that have paid market rates for their units have nothing but
complaints about the trashy Section 8 renters, they are trashy, dirty,
deal drugs, etc...and they bring down the values of the surrounding
Look at a Section 8 tenant and you'll see NOTHING but TROUBLE...and
it's very, VERY difficult to take action against them, almost
impossible to evict them, even for non - payment of even the paltry
rent that they pay. Section 8 tenants are deadbeats, pure and
There *are* folks who are need in low - cost housing, e.g. those with
disabilities, some seniors, etc. But there is no reason for an able -
bodied person of working age to suck off the welfare teat for
something like the Section 8 program...