Speaking of grocery prices ...
sf wrote:
> On Sat, 10 May 2008 13:50:01 -0400, Goomba38 >
> wrote:
> >cshenk wrote:
> >> "enigma" wrote
> >>> furnace & a good sump in the "basement" and rent it out(maybe
> >>> make it Section 8), or maybe i'll have the local volunteer FD
> >> Grin, be careful to check the rules on section 8 housing if you were
> >> serious. *There are some aspects of it dealing with a tenant with
> >> disabilities (and you have no option to not rent to them) that can cost you
> >> a bundle to adapt a place. *Might not be a problem with a single unit
> >> dwelling, but check to be sure first.
> >And your neighbors might not be too pleased with you either, which of
> >course is a whole 'nuther bag of worms but has to be said.
> *Don't* do section 8. *My neighbor did that. *The woman had her early
> elementary aged kid up at 11PM on school nights and I got to listen to
> Mom talk on the phone at all hours of the night because she smoked
> outside and yakked when smoking (not loud, but it was practically
> underneath my bedroom window). *Fortunately, they had a good social
> worker so Neighbor was able to move them out easily. *She has a
> "perfect renter" now that she found through Craig's list.
Yep, these days about the only people that qualify for Section 8
vouchers are "families", e.g. single women with numerous ankle -
biters...they'll more often than not have a large "extended" family
living with them, e.g. various "cousins", boyfriends, etc. All *very*
bad news...
Most landlords will not participate in the Section 8 program, it's a
gigantor PITA on all accounts...decent neighborhoods don't want
Section 8 trash, either.