Grinding Bay Leaves
On Sun 11 May 2008 01:29:26p, Goomba38 told us...
> Mike Pearce wrote:
>> I'd recommend getting a mortar and pestle over a grinder if you are
>> going to get one or the other. For the bay leaves the results probably
>> wouldn't be much different with either. I think the mortar and pestle
>> is more versatile than those a coffee/spice grinders. It's worth
>> getting a mortar and pestle just to make pesto if for no other reason.
> shhhhhh... I use my cuisinart for pesto. Don't tell the cabal!
> <wink!>
>> I'm with you as far as doing things by hand is concerned. We both
>> might be stupid for feeling that way, but I enjoy doing things by hand
>> anyway.
>> -Mike
> Yes, very satisfying. And I'm usually still functional when the power
> goes out.
hehehe... When the power goes off, we go out to eat! In an all electric
home, there aren't that many options.
Wayne Boatwright
Sunday, 05(V)/11(XI)/08(MMVIII)
Today is: Mother's Day, Pentecost
Countdown till Memorial Day
2wks 10hrs 30mins