On Sun 11 May 2008 11:47:42a, PeterLucas told us...
> Wayne Boatwright > wrote in
> 3.184:
>>> When do *I* get a day off??!!
>> When you take one off? :-)
> I do that and the whole world falls in a screaming pile!!
>>> I just don't want to be treated like a queen, though :-)
>> Will "king" do?
> There's only *one* King in Queensland!! Wally "The Emperor" Lewis.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wally_Lewis
> "Here's to Wally Lewis for lacing on a boot
> Sometimes he plays it rugged, sometimes he plays it cute
> He slices through a backline like a Stradbroke Island shark
> There's glue on all his fingers, he's the Emperor of Lang Park"
>>> I don't give a rats arse about this over commercialised fathers and
>>> mothers day...... if you can't show the people closest to you that
>>> you care 365 days a year, and only want to show it on one day... you
>>> deserve to be an orphan.
>>> Same goes for Valentines Day, Easter, Christmas and all the other
>>> crap.
>> I totally agree. You can't treat people like crap or as if they don't
>> exist all year and expect 1 "special" day to make up for it. Still,
>> it's nice to celebrate a day set aside for it.
> I've never celebrated m's or f's days since I 'left' home at the age of
> 15.
I suppose it depends greatly upon the terms under which you left.
> It was the MIL that got me onto the 365 day thing about 14 years ago.
> She detested mothers day as well. She saw too many 'abandoned' elderly
> mothers and fathers that only saw their kids on that day, if ever.
Wayne Boatwright
Sunday, 05(V)/11(XI)/08(MMVIII)
Today is: Mother's Day, Pentecost
Countdown till Memorial Day
2wks 10hrs 25mins
1 There's always one in
every crowd.