Hey Grampa, What's for Dinner?
On Sun 11 May 2008 03:53:30p, KW told us...
> "notbob" > wrote in message
> . ..
>> On 2008-05-11, kilikini > wrote:
>>> They have sharp barbs on them. Workers wear thick socks, pants,
>>> boots, and flannel shirts. Those things hurt!
>> I bet. Here, we have yucca plants. Same pointy leaves w/ sharp barbs,
>> yet no fruit to make 'em worthwhile. A jab leaves a slight toxin that
>> itches for hours.
>> nb
> My parents got the bright idea to landscape with Yucca and other tropical
> plants back in the early 70's.....in GEORGIA. I hated those things. Try
> playing football in a front yard surrounded by those body-peircing
> KW
That's precisely why we planted so many sharp, spiny, thorny, prickly
desert plants in our yard...to keep people out of it. The most fun of all
is watching someone get too close to a Jumping Cholla. :-)
Wayne Boatwright
Sunday, 05(V)/11(XI)/08(MMVIII)
Today is: Mother's Day, Pentecost
Countdown till Memorial Day
2wks 7hrs 55mins
Alone: In bad company.