Ping: All You Wonderful Mothers in RFC
On May 12, 1:14*am, Wayne Boatwright >
> On Sun 11 May 2008 10:06:41a, Janet Wilder told us...
> > Andy wrote:
> >> Mom passed away in 1990. She was a special education teacher, and a
> >> gourmet cook.
> > I lost my mom in 2004. She was one of seven sisters who, except for one,
> > were all gourmet cooks.
> My mom was the oldest of two sisters and a brother and the last to pass
> away, in 1998. *She was the only gourmet cook and baker of the lot.
> > I often think of my mom when making something she taught me or one or
> > the other of my aunts when preparing a dish I learned from them.
> I do the same. *I could never enumerate all the things she taught me. *She
> had many of her recipes written down, but those she didn't I transcribed
> through discussions with her. *I think I have everything.
> > Texas Janet, thousands of miles from her children who managed to phone
> > toady.
> Obviously your children think of you dearly. *Perhaps time to begin
> planning a big old-fashioned family reunion.
Reading this thread there seems to be a recurring theme. All these
people that like eating and cooking had mothers that cooked very well.
Did you spend time in the kitchen with your mother?
My youngest sone spent a lot of time in the kitchen with me and also
with my mother, even from very small there is something you can teach
them to do. He went on to become a chef.
My grandsons (8 & 9) live with us and spend time in the kitchen with
me. One is keener than the other, but they both do not mind doing the
drudge work like peeling spuds. They like to have a job to do, not
just watch.
> --
> * * * * * * *Wayne Boatwright * * * * * *
> -------------------------------------------
> * * *Sunday, 05(V)/11(XI)/08(MMVIII)
> -------------------------------------------
> * * *Today is: Mother's Day, Pentecost * *
> * * * * Countdown till Memorial Day * * * *
> * * * * * * 2wks 13hrs 50mins * * * * * *
> -------------------------------------------
> * * I can't give you brains, but I can * *
> * * give you a diploma. --Wizard of Oz * *
> -------------------------------------------