I found this in my wanderings @
And thought it might be of interest to some.
Clover Honey: One of the most common and popular varieties, clover honey
is usually white to amber in color and is a great addition to most baked
goods and sauces.
Orange Blossom Honey: Light in color, this honey has a distinctively
orange flavor.
Tupelo Honey: You've probably heard of this premium honey, famous for its
yellow-green hue and smooth, sweet flavor. Tupelo's high fructose content
means that it resists crystallization.
Avocado Honey: Dark and rich, this honey will stand out in many dishes.
Blueberry Honey: Mildly fruity in flavor, blueberry honey tastes great on
toast, in dressings, or as an all-purpose sweetener.
Fireweed Honey: Pale in color and with a delicate, buttery flavor,
fireweed honey lends itself to grilling meat and fish, glazes, and even
Buckwheat Honey: One of the darkest and strongest tasting varieties,
buckwheat honey can be almost black and is a great source of iron. It is
recommended for mead production or can be used in place of molasses.
Eucalyptus Honey: The herbal and slightly menthol flavor of eucalyptus
honey makes it suitable for medicinal uses or in herbal teas.
Storing and Using Honey
At room temperature, honey will keep for years. Over time it may
crystallize, a natural process, which is easily remedied by heating the
jar in a pan of water and stirring until it liquefies.
While honey is the star in many wonderful recipes, it is also a multi-
purpose sweetener that can be used in place of sugar in a variety of
baked goods. Although it may take some trial and error to adapt your
favorite desserts to use honey, here are a few suggestions:
Substitute 1/2 cup of honey for every cup of sugar in a recipe.
For each cup of honey you use, decrease liquids in the recipe by
1/4 cup.
Add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda for each cup of honey you use.
Decrease baking temperature by 25°F because items prepared with honey
tend to brown faster than those prepared with sugar.
Lightly coat measuring cup with oil before adding honey so it's easier to
The house of the burning beet-Alan
A man in line at the bank kept falling over...when he got to a teller he
asked for his balance.