Thread: honey info
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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Default honey info

hahabogus wrote:

> I found this in my wanderings @
> And thought it might be of interest to some.
> Clover Honey: One of the most common and popular varieties, clover honey
> is usually white to amber in color and is a great addition to most baked
> goods and sauces.

My bottle says it should not be given to sproggen under one year of age.


> Orange Blossom Honey: Light in color, this honey has a distinctively
> orange flavor.
> Tupelo Honey: You've probably heard of this premium honey, famous for
> its

Yes, but only because of Van Morrison's album "Tupelo Honey". And, of
course, Elvis was born in Tupelo.

Is adulterated honey available? I don't want any. But I think I've
never seen anything other than pure honey (natural state or whipped), and
it's hard to believe that somebody that doesn't subscribe to
if-it's-not-broke-don't-fix-it isn't trying to market New! Improved! Honey.

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