Chilean Grapes / Juice
On Apr 29, 9:00*pm, RD > wrote:
> > This is my first year to try them.
> > The grapes looked good and the chemistries are
> > good. *Time will tell about the wine.
> > See my post under Argentina Malbec.
> Thanks, Paul. *Your info was very helpful.
> RD
I picked up a Chardonnay and Malbec from Chile.
The SG was around 1.089 on both, pH around 3.0 and TA was unusually
low for the pH, 3.5 and 3.2 as tartaric. I calibrated the meter and
checked the normailty of the NAOH so the numbers are right. The juice
was a little flabby so i added around 50 grams of tartaric to both.
Time will tell. It's going now.