On Mon 12 May 2008 08:43:12p, Gloria P told us...
> wrote:
>> I've used the newspaper recipe to prepare Bradley Ogden's Butterscotch
>> Pudding and it is divine. But I wonder whether there's a better way
>> to present it than simply to spoon a dollop of whipped cream on top?
>> Do you suppose some sort of wafer cookie might add a touch of elegance
>> to what is, at heart, a simple comfort-food dessert? Ladyfingers?
>> Madelaines? Any suggestions gratefully received -- we're having the
>> boss & her husband over to dinner, and hoping to make a favorable
>> impression.
>> Thanks,
>> Alice Parker
> Tuiles.
> gloria p
I've never used butterscotch chips before. Are they real butterscotch
flavor or imitation? I've tasted them in cookies I didn't bake and didn't
care for the flavor. If they're imitation, I'd rather stick with my
totally homemade butterscotch pie filling that can be used as a pudding.
Having said that, I already suggested crisp wafers or gaufrettes. Tuiles
would be great, too. Anything crisp which will contribute a light and
different texture.
Wayne Boatwright
Monday, 05(V)/12(XII)/08(MMVIII)
Countdown till Memorial Day
1wks 6dys 3hrs 15mins
At any moment during a
twenty-four-hour day only one-third of
the people in the world are asleep.
The other two-thirds are awake and