Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article >, Arri London >
> wrote:
> > while I was preparing my slice with homemade vanilla ice cream. She said
> > it 'tasted funny'. I whipped around thinking something had gone wrong
> > even though it looked and smelt really good. 'What do you mean?!'
> >
> > She smiled and said 'It tastes like I want more!'
> Sounds like you're lucky to have each other. Enjoy it.
It has its ups and downs like any relationship of course. Still working
on it
> Your story reminds me of Rob's grandfather, a very distinguished man
> with a small goatee and moustache to complement the twinkle in his eyes
> when I met him. I would ask how he liked something I'd prepared and
> he'd look at me and say, "I don't know. I think I need some more before
> I can decide." Alex rest his soul.
Yes that's usually how I ask for more. Always helps to be polite yes?