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val189 val189 is offline
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Default unfocused in the kitchen

On May 10, 1:55 pm, hahabogus > wrote:
Other than death is there a cure for this, losing one focus that
> is?

Just don't let yourself get off track. Don't try to overlap, even if
it makes you feel less productive. You'll get more done in the end.

Friend set water and sugar on to boil for hummingbird feeder and left
the HOUSE for 2 hours.
(I have given her a clip on the belt type timer since that episode.)
The pan was reduced to a glob of metal, it ruined her overhead
microwave oven - cud've easily burned the house down. Fortunately,
she was about to remodel the kitchen so at least there was no great

I set timers now for ANYthing on or in the stove. And I never leave
the room if something is on high to boil.