Jumbo Shrimp - so called
On Thu, 8 May 2008 21:51:26 -0700 (PDT), Alexm >
>On Apr 17, 10:40*am, Lou Decruss > wrote:
>> On Wed, 16 Apr 2008 13:33:54 -0700 (PDT), Alexm >
>> wrote:
>> >Today I purchased a package (9 oz.) of frozen SeaPak(R) "Jumbo Breaded
>> >Butterfly Shrimp". *Well, the shrimp were noways near jumbo in size.
>> >The breading is spread out to make them look large but, when the
>> >breading comes off, the shrimp look very much less than medium in
>> >size. *What the heck is going on in this world? *Is nothing any good
>> >any more? *I would suggest that anyone who buys such products take
>> >them back to the store and get a full refund - which is what I am
>> >going to do.
>> >Alexm
>> Anyone who purchases such a product deserves any disappointment they
>> get. *Did you think there were going to be 2 dozen 12 count shrimp in
>> that tiny little 9 oz. box? *Taking it back proves you're either a
>> total idiot, or a troll. *Maybe both.
>> Lou
>You don't get it.
LOL.. I think YOU don't get "it" or "anything" else. You bought
garbage and expected it to taste good. Taking it back is like
returning a McDonalds meal because it didn't taste like a real
home-cooked burger. You got what you bought and paid for.
>It has nothing to do with the number of shrimp. It
>has everything to do with the size of the shrimp in each breaded
>shrimp (i.e., the amount of shrimp compared to the amount of breading
>and the size of the shrimp compared to the size of the breading).
Did the word "jumbo" confuse you? Or didn't you understand the box
was 9 oz.? Do you think a company is going to sell a box of 4-5
breaded shrimp to meet your definition of jumbo and be 9 oz?
>Another way of putting it: Suppose you ordered a hot dog in a bun - a
>hot dog bun of usual size- and when you got it you found that the hot
>dog inside the bun was only about as large as you little finger.
Comparing even the worst hotdog joint to the frozen crap you bought is
insane. Hopefully you've learned your lesson and won't buy them
again. But I have a suspicion you live on frozen fish sticks and
frozen pizza.
> Get the picture? Or do you need a 100 page dissertation.
I'll need the 100 pages please. Start typing now. I'm leaving
tomorrow for about 5 days and I'll look forward to reading it when I
>The product was no good.
99% of the junk in the freezer case is no good. But most people who
buy it realize that, and buy it because they can't cook for
themselves, or use it as emergency food. I'll even have a frozen
pizza once in awhile. But I don't return it because it doesn't taste
like what I can make for myself or what's available at a quality pizza
>Anyone with a minimum of intelligence would return the
>product and get a refund.
I'll judge your intelligence after I read your 100 pages.