Porterhouse Steak Prices
This week a new Raley's has opened in the area and they have some very good
loss leaders.
Leading the pack
Porterhouse steaks down from $9.95 a pound to $3.48 a pound. They do have a
limit so I have run by there with hubby to end up ith 12 steaks, frozen away
for when company arrives. They are about an inch thick cut, beautifully
marbled and look delicious. They aren't aged from the butcher shop but they
will certainly be a good meal. Not sure what we will make to go along the
side, I will follow along with what is fresh at the fruit stand.
We also did some stocking up with canned drinks at $1.99 a 12-pack which is
at least $1.00 a 12-pack.
Anyone else luck up on good prices this week at the supermarket?