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Michael Michael is offline
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Posts: 123
Default "Boiling hens"? [Was: Choose The Right Bird For Chicken Soup

I think the best thing you can do is to roast the bones along with your
mirepoix, before adding it the cold water and simmering slowly( I use a slow
cooker). Using the actual chicken meat (apart from the leftover bits
clinging to the carcass after you've roasted it or whatever) isn't necessary
for a full flavoured stock, and isn't very economical either, especially if
you buy free-range/organic chooks. Bay leaves, dried or otherwise are an
essential, and parsley stalks are another good 'neutral' enhancer that won't
limit what the stock can be used for.

Maggie Beer has some good tips he

"Leonard Blaisdell" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> "ant" > wrote:
>>There's a bundle of bones in the
>> freezer that made some excellent stock and will do so again.

> So how many times do you re-boil previously boiled chicken bones? At
> some point, do you grind them up and throw them in the garden? Just
> curious.