Really yellow gravy
Myrl Jeffcoat > wrote:
> I have just returned home from a delightful trip to Amish country in
> Lancaster PA. While there I filled up on wonderful Amish/Pennsylvania
> Dutch food.
> One of the best meals was a simple hot turkey sandwich, with gravy.
> The gravy seemed fairly traditional or usual for that kind of meal,
> but was more "golden" yellow than I've seen in the past. What do you
> guys think may have been the ingredient to make that so? I wondered
> if a bit of tumeric had been added, but also wonder if there are other
> possibilities.
Turkey Devonshire (Open faced turkey sandwich with sauce) is very
common there in central Pennsylvania. It's a basic white sauce with
cheese and turkey/chicken stock added.
Otherwise I'd guess it was just made with chicken bouillon if you
don't think there was any cheese in it.