Really yellow gravy
On May 14, 2:55*am, Leonard Blaisdell >
> In article
> >,
> *Myrl Jeffcoat > wrote:
> > One of the best meals was a simple hot turkey sandwich, with gravy.
> > The gravy seemed fairly traditional or usual for that kind of meal,
> > but was more "golden" yellow than I've seen in the past. *What do you
> > guys think may have been the ingredient to make that so? *I wondered
> > if a bit of tumeric had been added, but also wonder if there are other
> > possibilities.
> Did it taste different than the hot turkey sandwiches from your past?
> Restaurant style hot turkey sandwiches from my past are one of my
> fondest memories. The gravy color was generally rich tan.
> Hot turkey and hot roast beef sandwiches seem to be things of the past.
> What a misfortune!
> leo
You just aren't hanging out at the best greasy spoons in small towns.
They're still found around here.
John Kane Kingston ON Canada