Nancy Young wrote:
> The kind that has a probe went squirrely a few months ago.
> I decided to pick up an instant read to see if that was a good
> thing to have. What a piece of garbage, I didn't expect much
> because I paid little. Still, you'd think it could give a decent
> reading.
> I'm going back to a new Polder thermometer, the probe type.
> The old one lasted a number of years.
> I wouldn't mind having an instant read, too. Does anyone have
> one that is reliable? Any suggestions for the probe type, so long
> as I'm asking?
Thermopen. It is not a remote-probe type (with a wire), but it is the best
instant-read probe thermometer that I have used.
What is best in life? "To crush your enemies, see them driven before
you, and to hear the lamentation of the women." -- Conan