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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default New York Times -- Excess consumption by Americans said to cause food shortages

From: i=5087%0A

The United States uses - or throws away - 3,770 calories
a person each day, according to data from the United Nations
Food and Agriculture Organization collected in 2001-3, compared
with 2,440 calories per person in India.


Pradeep S. Mehta, secretary general of the center for
international trade, economics and the environment of
CUTS International, an independent research institute
based here, said that if Americans slimmed down to the
weight of middle-class Indians, many hungry people in
sub-Saharan Africa would find food on their plates.

He added, archly, that the money spent in the United
States on liposuction to get rid of fat from excess
consumption could be funneled to feed famine victims.

Mr. Mehta's comments may sound like the macroeconomic
equivalent of "so's your old man", but they reflect genuine
outrage and ballooning criticism toward the United States
in particular, over recent remarks by President Bush.
