New York Times -- Excess consumption by Americans said to causefood shortages
Steve Pope wrote:
> Ali > wrote:
> >Bit of a crap post really.
> I posted it because I am interested in the U.S.'s image around
> the world, and it seems the current administration has found
> yet another way to offend just about everybody.
NOBODY cares what a bunch of anti - US pukes think, are
simply being naive. Many foreigners would loathe us whatever we
do...even if we fed, clothed, and housed them. Which we've done for
many around the world. We are the *most* generous country in the
world when it comes to helping out others with food or whatever aid...
[And that INCLUDES military aid, especially the "nuclear umbrella" and
our on - the - ground troop presence that we've provided for our
allies since WWII...that is a HUGE cost and contributes to peace,
stability, and prosperity too...ask someone in South Korea or the
former West Germany...]
And as for the "current administration", take a look - see at our
approval ratings in various countries during the Clintoon
administration. They were in many cases no better, if not worse...
> > What is meant by the US uses or throws away 3770 calories per
> > person? *Does this include waste food and drink from retailers?
> I assume so. *I've read elsewhere that over half the food
> produced for consumption in the U.S. is thrown away. *
Isn't it GREAT to be rich, white, and American, Steve...???