New York Times -- Excess consumption by Americans said to causefood shortages
jmcquown wrote:
> Similarly, I heard last night that people in a UK household throw away 1/3rd
> of their food a month. Who conducts these studies?! Who was going through
> trash bins to figure out how much was bought, used, consumed vs. discarded?
> Jill
If you listen to one of the Tilea Infomercials....well... to hear them
put it we ALL toss away tons of food.
Of course they are trying to sell us something.
Now I wonder, do they count against us (America as the collective guilty
party in this whinefest) the parts we don't commonly use like entrails,
rocky mountain oysters, brains, etc? Parts of the animal or plant that
don't even come into our homes yet *could* be eaten if one was