Pete C. wrote:
> Well, I find the $10 yellow digital instant read from Sam's works just
> fine for me. No, it's not as fast as the Thermapen, but if you're not
> cooking in a fast paced restaurant that shouldn't be an issue.
Pete, I can't disagree with your reasoning a bit. On the other hand, I know
that if someone buys the Thermapen, it'll probably be the last thermometer
that theey'll need to buy 'cause it's built like a truck.
Cheap digitals are not as fast because they aren't true 'instant' read. They
use el-cheapo thermistors rather than the much better thermocouple (which is
why the Thermapent costs much more). If you were to time how long it takes
for the cheaper thermistor thermometer to measure the temperature of ice
water (32F) it will take anywhere from 20 to 30 seconds. A thermocouple like
the Thermapen will take 2 to 4 seconds. When opening an oven to check the
temperature of a a roast or a turkey, seconds matter when heat is escaping
from the oven.
And I haven't seen any of the inexpensive digitals that are as accurate as
the Thermapen.
I've now used my Thermapen for 3 years of heavy duty use, 5 days a week,
dozens of times per day. It is rugged beyond belief and stores in its own
handle which protects it from accidental damage. If I used the $10.00
thermometers, I'd have had to purchase 30 or 40 of 'em by now :-)
If someone wants a true instant read digital that is accurate and which will
stand up to use, the Thermapen is a good buy.
What is best in life? "To crush your enemies, see them driven before
you, and to hear the lamentation of the women." -- Conan