Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> After all the discussion about the disappointment in the change to
> Campbell's Tomato Soup and their cream soups in general, I discovered
> something while shopping yesterday.
> At least 15 or more years ago Campbell's introduced a Tomato Bisque that I
> liked even better than their regular tomato soup because it has nice little
> bits of tomato in it. Whether you made it with water, milk, or cream, it
> was very good.
> Over the past several years I haven't fouynd it on the shelf in the stores,
> so assumed they had discontinued it. Perhaps they actually did for a
> while.
> Yesterday, I found it again at Safeway. I'm having it for lunch as I write
> this, and out of the can it is the same nice thick concentrate with the
> same flavor that the regular tomato soup used to be.
Indeed! I picked some up today.
Thicker'n owl snot (and lots more colorful):
http://blinkynet.net/stuff/tomato_bisque.jpg (not very big)
Definitely a spatula job.
I noticed that there's no "for thicker soup add milk" option in the
directions, either. I *think* their regular tomato soup suggests that;
probably another result of the thinning of the regular stuff. I know I
use milk if I have it.
<slurping some> Mmmmmmm. Comfort food.
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