"enoavidh" > wrote in message
> Haha! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7400109.stm
> O_o
> d.
> --
> I didn't write it, but you can find the alt.food.wine FAQ he
> http://winefaq.hostexcellence.com/
Reports in the news today suggest that the enjoyment of certain wine
varietals can be enhanced while listening to different styles of music. See,
for example, Why wine tastes better with music, and, Music can enhance wine
Examples include matches such as cabernet sauvignon with Jimi Hendrix;
chardonnay with Blondie; merlot with Otis Redding and music by classical
composers such as Orff and Tchaikovsky.
There is of course an enormous cultural bias inherent in this kind of
If you are a wine drinker whose tastes run to the blues, rock 'n roll and
bluegrass a glass of good red is hardly going to taste better while
listening to Carmina Burana.
Similarly,if you have been acculturated to prefer western classical music or
opera, a glass of chablis might taste a tad sharpish while Jimi's Voodoo
Chile is blasting way at volume 11 on the stereo.
One can only imagine what wines you would match with the music of Celine
Dion, Ravi Shankar, Karlheinz Stockhausen or 'J-Lo'.